ADA Policy
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. ADA is Civil Rights legislation requiring that persons with disabilities receive services equal to those provided to nondisabled persons.
It is the policy of The Powell Senior Citizens Ago-Go, Inc. (Powell Senior Center) that the provided transportation services, programs, facilities, and communications, directly or provided by a service contractor, are readily accessible and usable to individuals with disabilities to the maximum extent possible (49 CFR 37.105).
Complaint Process
Powell Senior Center is committed to providing safe, reliable and accessible transportation options for the community.
We encourage customers wishing to file a complaint to contact Linda Dalton at 248 North Gilbert Street, Powell, Wyoming, 82435 or call 307-754-4223 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
The Director will investigate the incident and come up with a plan to address the problem or issue to improve the situation within 7 days. If the person filing the complaint does not feel that the Director has made a valid attempt to correct the situation, then the person can speak with the President of the Board, who will document the interaction and take control of the situation from there.
The entire ADA Policy can be picked up at the Powell Senior Center. A digital copy can be requested over email via psc@tritel.net.